What to Know Before You Buy Recessed Lights
Before you decide to add a recessed light, also known as a can light, or decide which recessed or can light to install, there are a few things to consider: What do you want to light? Do you want a pool of light or a tight spot? What size fixture do you want? What kind of light bulb do you want to use? Do you need to use a remodel fixture, or can you install a new-construction housing? What about getting the necessary wiring to your new light? Will you need an IC (Insulation Compatible) or AT (Air Tight) fixture or one that is both?
Original Article Source Credits: The Spruce , https://www.thespruce.com/
Article Written By : Bill Lewis
Original Article Posted on : 06/22/20
Link to Original Article: https://www.thespruce.com/before-you-buy-recessed-lights-2175005